Foster's Leg on the Mend

One morning, Foster came in for breakfast with a noticeable limp and a laceration above his front left knee. Concerned, we immediately wrapped his leg in a compression bandage and gave him pain medication. But when he showed no improvement, we knew it was time to call in Dr. Metcalf.

What we discovered shocked us all: Foster had fractured his radius, the bone in his front leg. Based on the location of the fracture and the laceration, it was most likely caused by a kick from another horse.

A Stable Fracture, A Hopeful Plan

Fortunately, the fracture was stable, meaning it could heal without the need for risky and painful surgery. But Foster’s recovery would require careful management and round-the-clock care.

Dr. Metcalf set up a special stall for Foster, equipped with a line typically used post-surgery. This setup allows Foster to move around his stall but prevents him from lying down—a critical precaution. If Foster were to lie down, the pressure he’d exert on the fracture while getting back up could be catastrophic.

The Road to Recovery

Foster’s stall is designed for comfort and safety, with deep bedding, plenty of water, and hay to keep him nourished. His treatment plan is comprehensive:

  • Pain and inflammation medication to keep him comfortable
  • Antibiotics to prevent infection
  • Stomach ulcer treatment to manage stress
  • Bone health supplements to support healing
  • Anti-anxiety medication to keep him calm

To ensure Foster’s safety, he’s under 24/7 surveillance. During the day, our team monitors him in person, and at night, we keep a close eye via stall cameras.

A Long but Hopeful Journey

Bone healing is a slow process, taking about four months to fully mend. While Foster’s recovery will require patience and dedication, we’re incredibly hopeful. With excellent medical care, a safe environment, and the love of our team, Foster has every chance to heal and return to his normal, happy life.