Rosie's New Shoes

After examining Rosie and taking X-rays of her feet, Dr. Metcalf discovered the root of her discomfort: a combination of navicular disease, a past laminitic episode, and arthritis in her knee. These conditions were making every step painful for our sweet girl.

The Solution: Fancy New Shoes

To help Rosie move more comfortably, Dr. Metcalf fitted her with special glue-on shoes for her front feet. Described as the “fanciest shoes of any horse at the Sanctuary,” these shoes are designed to:

  • Relieve pressure on her deep flexor tendons
  • Stabilize her steps
  • Provide extra comfort so she can roll through her movements with ease

The difference was immediate. As soon as the shoes were on, Rosie’s comfort level improved dramatically!

A Brighter Future for Rosie

Rosie’s journey is a reminder of the importance of compassionate care, especially for our senior animals. Thanks to Dr. Metcalf’s expertise and these innovative shoes, Rosie can now enjoy her days at the sanctuary with less pain and more joy.